Making High Performance Copper Spades From Cardas Jumpers
Low Cost Copper Spades
Here we have a very straightforward recipe using the Copper Cardas jumper plates as high quality pure Copper spades. These spades will fit 1/4" binding posts perfectly. The tools needed are a sturdy pair of side cutters and soldering iron.
One Cardas CLJP will make two fine quality pure Copper spades. The sonic qualities of a pure, unplated, Copper connection are widely regarded as superior to their plated counterparts. Maintenance is required more often on the unplated Copper but we are sure some of you will feel it is worth the extra effort!

First make a clean cut along the side of the spade with your side cutters. Be careful to line up the cutting edge with the body of the spade to get a nice parallel cut. You may clean up the cut with a small file if need be.

The side cutters do a nice job of freeing the spade from the jumper. Now just repeat for the other spade.

Next solder your wire to the underside of the spade. The spade just happens to have a nice indent to receive the wire.

Now just apply some 1/4" CPA 100 Polyolefin shrinktube and you are finished!